Neurologically carved channels of terror, routing all external stimulus through these tainted pathways, painting his moment-to-moment experiences muddy brown, leaving his perception of life corrupted, and all hope diminished.
Scrupulosity, obsessions, compulsions, and a self-immolating internal voice that barks its continuous displeasure at every turn, no matter which choice he makes, always telling him that he's wrong, that he's bad, that he's condemned, that his every breath a sin, no way out, and all accomplished with such artful intentionality, that he's left with no choice but to assume it must all be satan at play.
He hopes for healing, he believes in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, and this has become his only light in the darkness of his corrupted skulled wetware.
Save him Jesus, save him from his suffering.
Buy the print here: Charge!